Friday, 14 September 2007


I am extremely thankful for God bringing me to Regent College. The atmosphere is wonderful. There is a huge focus on community. I don't think I would be exagerating by saying that there isn't a bible college in the world similar. Regent has a very big push on incorprating christianity back into culture. A huge part of culture (the literature, painting, music) etc is the way a community expresses its history and ideas which reveals its identity. Christianity really led this area from 300-1500 AD, but has been neglected particularly in the past couple of hundred years. They encourage students with talents in these areas to share them with the world. Intellectually they are doing are great job also... Some of the proffessors missed the Wed class as they went to accept an award from Yale for the Regent course I am doing called Christian Thought and Culture. This course has a different Lecturer each week as we look at the evolution of christian doctrine. The cool thing is that the the other professors join in the lecture and will share there own views and questions in question time at the end of each lecture.. Mareesa is enjoying her Job at Westside Christian School. She has a few challenging subjects like maths composite class - Yr7,8,9 &10, as well as PE and Home Ec/Business/Technology combined subject and Science. We are missing home, but really enjoying our time... N

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
I'm procrastinating....avoiding writing my last essay ever!!!!
So thought I'd pop on here and say hi!!
Thanks for the email Nathan!
Subtle...very subtle! :-)
Good to see things are going well!!
Still thinking of you and praying for you lots!
And missing you both!!!