Wednesday 16 December 2009

Playing games

Sometimes Daniel surprises me by doing something more 'boy'-ish than babyish. Yesterday he started playing with a toy train by himself, saying 'toot toot', and driving it over the furniture (and me). He has a shape sorter (the tupperware variety that most people have experienced in their lives sometime) and he is getting good at doing it by himself. If the shape doesn't fit he says 'no', and if it goes in he says 'ya' with a nod of his head, or gives himself a little clap. I'm enjoying this independent playing! He seems quite industrious at play, and I appreciate when it coincides with dinner preparation. Sometimes he yells at the top of his lungs (could be mama or dadda or some random noise) just because, which takes a little getting used to. Daniel is 17 months old today, and his baby side is quickly vanishing.

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