Thursday, 10 September 2009

Good Food

What makes food good?

Tonight we had baked potatoes. They were soooo goood! And I've made so-so baked potatoes before. But tonight I put them in the oven for an hour, simply rubbed in a little olive oil. And I think the trick is to not wrap them in foil (tried that before), that and having the 'right' type of potato (I used Russett). I did a little research, and apparently that is like steaming potatoes, and does not get that gorgeous crispy skin. And the toppings count too. Butter, sour cream, crispy bacon bits (real bacon, not the vegetarian simulated stuff), mushrooms, salsa if you so desire, and salt and pepper. Yum! I skipped the grated cheese tonight, and had the potatoes with a side of salad. I think simplicity has something to do with good food.

Daniel hasn't been very fond of potatoes so far. I think it's the texture. I had a little leftover garlic mashed potato, so after I fried the mushrooms in the bacon 'juices', I rolled the potato into meatball size and fried it in the bacon juices too. So Daniel peaked his fat intake today, but doesn't bacon make everything taste better? :) And he ate most of it too! And washed it down with some blueberries and milk.

Anyway, that's my rant on food for a while hehe.
On a family note, we all had colds, but are on the tail end now, just finishing up with the runny noses. Nathan heads back to class next week, and I start babysitting part time. I'm also hoping to audit a course called Biblical Themes in Art - signed up, but we'll see how busy we get. I'll have my next ultrasound at the end of October, which I'm looking forward to, since we are finding out our baby's gender this time!

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