Thursday, 23 April 2009

A change of heart

Last night I (Mareesa) got an automated email telling me of some new job offerings at a website I regularly check. I read through the job details - part-time secretarial work, linked to training/education, and nearby. And then I realised that a hint of anticipation and excitement had set in and I no longer loathed the idea of going back to work and not looking after Daniel full-time. It was such a relief, and I know that it has to be God. When I finished university I prayed that he would change my heart, because my practicum experience had left me feeling like I definitely did not want to teach. But he did change my heart, and also led me to the perfect first day experience, only giving me what I needed to know at the right time. And I feel that God is doing it again, and I am thankful for those who are praying for me, and have listened to me worry and complain about needing to work (when so many people I know do work and enjoy it and it doesn't wreck their family). I am still fearful about inadequacy and finance, which makes me want to jump in and apply right now! But I also want to enjoy these last few months with Daniel. Ideally I would start work in August, and I need to leave that in God's hands too.
Recent praise points:
  • We received the Australian baby bonus this week (We thought we were ineligible, so this was a suprise!)
  • Daniel has slept through to 5.30/6am the last two mornings.
  • Nathan has finished the semester! We have loved having him around these last two days :)

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Dental Update

Tooth no. 5 has snuck up on us, and no. 6 is only a day or two away (both are top teeth). The last 2 nights Daniel has only woken at 3.30am, so I'm pretty sure some people have been praying. I've enjoyed the uninterrupted sleep!
Daniel's favourite game at present is to put toys in my mouth.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Easter Tuesday

It's so easy to forget about Easter after Sunday. But what happened on Easter Tuesday? Did Jesus appear to some disciples that day? Was it Tuesday as recorded by Luke that he walked and talked with some men on the Emmaus road?
Daniel and I enjoyed the outdoors today, and so were a lot of others walking past us on our picnic blanket out on the grass behind our place. What if one of these people was the resurrected Jesus? What would it be like to chat with someone and get the feeling that they know and understand you really well? How 'alive' do we think Jesus really is?

Daniel modeling his new hat.

Out playing on the grass.

His favourite ball.

Love those eyes!

Daniel turns 9 months this week. He is 9kg/19 lb 14oz, and 70.75cm long.

Daniel's latest video

Monday, 13 April 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a lovely, relaxing weekend. Nathan didn't get much work done, but hopefully that just means he is refreshed before the extra week of studying/paper writing as he comes to the end of Winter Semester.
On Thursday night we had a Passover Seder meal at our place, which was so much fun. Our friends Amber and Frank popped over to say hi, and they stayed for the meal. I roasted a 3kg leg of lamb, and thankfully that turned out great.
On Good Friday we went to a local church for a combined service. We went last year too, and I love it because it's passages of scripture readings which tell of the Easter story, with specially chosen songs that we sing at points during the story. For me, it helps makes it more real, and lets me mull over it without having to concentrate on a sermon. Daniel was in the nursery, so it was nice to have that time to think with little distraction. Nathan spent some time in the garden that he is working on, and we went for a walk to our friends on the other side of campus for a snack and a chat. We finished off the night with a dvd.
On Easter Sunday, our church had 4 baptisms down at Wreck beach, and a pancake fundraiser for the teen's Mexico mission in the summer. I can't remember exactly what we did that day, but I feel like we've had a good amount of family time, which is great. I'm looking forward to Nathan's assignments/exams being finished! And next Saturday night we are having a babysitter (once Daniel is asleep) so that we can go out for coffee for our anniversary.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

some photos

Here are some pictures we took last week, on a beautiful Spring day!
Matching checked shirts

An active, excited boy