Tuesday, 17 February 2009

An Aussie visitor

Tomorrow our friend Clair is coming to visit for a few days. She's been traipsing around the world after uni, and we get to be one of her final stops on her way home. We're looking forward to sharing this part of the world with her (like gooey cinnamon buns, the awesome views from UBC, and maybe even go up to Grouse Mt for some snow). I know she is looking forward to seeing some familiar faces.

I've been working a little bit at Westside, supervising some federal tests. I have another hour tomorrow to catch up for a child who was away. Daniel gets to come with me as Nathan is back at school this week. He had a Greek quiz yesterday, and a Hebrew midterm today.

Daniel has a cold, poor tyke, so he's a regular snot-monster at present. Add the extra drool from teething, and it can get a little gross! He's been sleeping a little better at night, but now his daytime sleep is almost non-existent. The past 2 days he's only slept 1.5 hours all day; yesterday afternoon he was awake for 6 hours straight. So I'm feeling more tired because I'm not sure what to do, and because I'm not getting much of a break from Daniel-time. I've also decided to quit reading fiction for a while, because I think I'm addicted (seriously).

On a lighter note, tonight I made Anzac biscuits, and I added some cocoa to half the batch for chocolate Anzacs. In 2 weeks we are having a Taste of the World event at Regent. I'm coordinating an Aussie/Kiwi food table (which we'll also decorate). We all bring food to share, and we also sample from the other countries' tables. I'm taking fairy bread, and sausage rolls (which I need to practice making sometime this week).

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